Friday 31 January 2014


As we know, in logistics, there are five modes of transportation that is road, rail, pipeline, air, sea. But, here i would like to focus on road freight (road transportation). Do you know what is freight road and the characteristics? Freight road in simple meaning means road of transportation such as truck, lorry, bus and others. Based on five modes of transportation in logistic, road transportation are the most famous and frequently use by many organisation to transport their goods.


Most of the organisation use this type of modes of transportation because lower cost needed such as in term of investment, cost during the movement,maintenance and etc. Other than that,its a good choices for the new firm for start the business by using road freight because they don't need to invest high cost. Furthermore, in term of maintenance and construction in more lower cost needed than other types of mode such rail, sea, pipeline, and others. An example by using lorry, the cost for service in lower than using air or ship for movement.


Next is, by using freight road the organisation that used this type of modes can reduce time to deliver the product to customer, at the same time can meet customer satisfaction. Furthermore, road transportation don't need difficult procedure for movement compare sea, air and others. Such as in term of custom procedure, road transportation just only take about a week to make a custom clearance regarding the product. While sea or ship, the procedure during the movement of product is much difficult as well.


Other than save time, road transportation actually don't need many labor because the system or job is simpler than shipping, air (air plane), pipeline and others. They just need a driver and a few person who managed the transportation. An example, the person who in charge in scheduling, movement direction and etc.


Besides that, the most famous characteristics is road transportation provide door to door service. It can collect and transportation the goods from sellers warehouse and deliver it right door step of the buyer. Such service can not be provided by other form of transport.

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