Friday, 21 March 2014


       This week we have been task from lecturer to make a research what are the challenges faced by urban transit. First of all, we will explain what is urban transit. Urban transit involve changing modes of transportation it also can be be defined as new intermodal system for example from road modes transfer to water or rail to sends the freight to the destination. Urbanization has been one of the dominant contemporary processes as a growing share of the global population lives in cities. Considering this trend, urban transportation issues are of foremost importance to support the passengers and freight mobility requirements of large urban focus. Transportation in urban areas is highly complex because of the modes involved, the multitude of origins and destinations, and the amount and variety of traffic. Traditionally, the focus of urban transportation has been on passengers as cities were viewed as locations of utmost human interactions with busy traffic patterns linked to commuting, commercial transactions and leisure/cultural activities. Urban transit is an important dimension of mobility, notably in high density. so here we will list a few that Urban transit challenges:

Thursday, 20 March 2014


In Logistic terms water carrier can be defined as a party who used water way to delivered the shipment by using shipping company. Using this mode of transportation give many benefit towards firm which trusted will give profitable to that firm.  so we will list down the benefits from using this modes.